Liability Paper Mobile

Publication from

OnePager "Contractual arrangements & liability issues"

Building up interlinked offshore wind farms (OWF) and offshore infrastructure is a key challenge across countries and borders. Read more about it in our OnePager.

Recovery Paper Mobile

Publication from

OnePager "Cost recovery and anticipatory investement"

Achieving the European Union's ambitious offshore targets by 2050 is highly challenging and requires new and pragmatic solutions. Read more about it in our OnePager.

50Hertz & Amprion Update Mobile

Update from 50Hertz & Amprion

North Sea Interconnected Offshore Power Grid

The second North Sea Summit 2023 in Ostend gives us tailwind for an interconnected offshore power grid. More information on our member websites from 50Hertz and Amprion or on the dedicated project website.

Amprion Update 2 Mobile

Update from Amprion

Hybrid interconnector between Denmark and Gemany

The German transmission system operator Amprion and their Danish counterpart Energinet have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to explore the perspectives of developing a hybrid interconnector between the two countries.

Scoping Paper Mobile

Publication from

Our Scope

Find out about the cooperation between Eurobar TSOs in the engineering department as well as relevant policy and regulatory topics.

EU Cooperation

About the European Cooperation

EU-funded project to define technical frameworks and standards for electricity transmission

The European Union wants to deploy 300 GW of offshore wind by 2050 to meet its climate targets and to reduce its dependence on fossil fuel. The most efficient way of transporting electricity from offshore wind is via multi-terminal high voltage direct current (HVDC) grids. Under the EU’s “Horizon Europe” funding scheme the InterOPERA project will define future interoperability standards for electricity grids.

Svenska Kraftnät Update Mobile

Update from

Svenska Kraftnät

Our Eurobar-member Svenska Kraftnät has published a paper:
"Commission regarding preparatory work for the expansion of the transmission grid into Swedish territorial waters".

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Liability Paper

Publication from

EUROBAR: OnePager "Contractual arrangements & liability issues"

Building up interlinked offshore wind farms (OWF) and offshore infrastructure is a key challenge across countries and borders, allowing the interconnection of several markets and Member States through new HVDC infrastructures. Read more about it in our OnePager.

OnePager Cost recovery

Publication from

EUROBAR: OnePager "Cost recovery and anticipatory investement"

Achieving the European Union's ambitious offshore targets by 2050 is highly challenging and requires new and pragmatic solutions. Read more about it in our OnePager.

50Hertz & Amprion Update - tripple buttons

Update from 50Hertz & Amprion

North Sea Interconnected Offshore Power Grid

The second North Sea Summit 2023 in Ostend gives us tailwind for an interconnected offshore power grid. More information on our member websites from 50Hertz and Amprion or on the dedicated project website.

Amprion Update 2

Update from Amprion

Hybrid interconnector between Denmark and Germany

The German transmission system operator Amprion and their Danish counterpart Energinet have signed a Memorandum of Understanding to explore the perspectives of developing a hybrid interconnector between the two countries.

Scoping Paper

Publication from

EUROBAR: Our Scope

Find out about the cooperation between Eurobar TSOs in the engineering department as well as relevant policy and regulatory topics.

EU Cooperation

Update about European Cooperation

EU-funded project to define technical frameworks and standards for electricity transmission

The European Union wants to deploy 300 GW of offshore wind by 2050 to meet its climate targets and to reduce its dependence on fossil fuel. The most efficient way of transporting electricity from offshore wind is via multi-terminal high voltage direct current (HVDC) grids. Under the EU’s “Horizon Europe” funding scheme the InterOPERA project will define future interoperability standards for electricity grids.

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Update from Amprion
Our Eurobar-member Amprion has news: Ground breaking ceremony for Amprion's first Offshore Grid Connections. Construction work has begun on the DolWin4 and BorWin4 offshore grid connection systems.
Click Here
Update from Svenska Kraftnät
Our Eurobar-member Svenska Kraftnät has published a paper: "Commission regarding preparatory work for the expansion of the transmission grid into Swedish territorial waters".
Click Here SvKs Paper
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We plan to interconnect offshore wind clusters all over Europe to complete the European offshore grid.​


Our goal is to interlink new wind production sites - secure and cost efficiently.​

Setting norms​

We want to standardize the interfaces of future offshore connection technologies.​

Our publications

December 2022

EUROBAR Scoping Paper

Download our Eurobar scoping paper for more information about the extend and content of our initiative. Find out about the cooperation between Eurobar TSOs in the engineering department and relevant policy and regulatory topics.  

We firmly believe in the European Unions Green Deal and it’s strive for climate neutrality by 2050. Sustainable and reliable integration of offshore energy is an existential part of this goal. Ofcourse we are also working to reduce the direct environmental impact of grid integration.

We are certain: now is the best time to get started with the next phase of offshore integration.

Our European Responsibility

Our partners

Our wish is to act as a catalyst for a future proof offshore grid. This requires a multinational effort at European level. Our vision is to develop a joint plan for connecting future offshore capacities to Europe’s transmission system. Following specific projects and implementation will be undertaken by TSO’s individually.

Our partners

Our wish is to act as a catalyst for a future proof offshore grid. This requires a multinational effort at European level. Our vision is to develop a joint plan for connecting future offshore capacities to Europe’s transmission system. Following specific projects and implementation will be undertaken by TSO’s individually.

An open European collaboration

Eurobar wishes to bring together offshore TSO’s from all coasts and seas and is open for participation of additional TSO’s at any time. We want to exchange knowledge and perspectives among all participating associations, initiatives and companies to avoid redundant work – discussing key challenges and conclusive solutions for the realization of an interlinked European offshore system in the process.

Becoming off shore ready

We aim to design a collective, modular and flexible approach to evolve projects based on current regulation, like point-to-point connections interlinked in an European offshore grid – a “busbar-like system”. By abiding to national and international planning processes, TSO’s are supposed to be able to autonomously plan and build these as soon as need arises.

We aim to design a collective, modular and flexible approach to evolve projects based on current regulation, like point-to-point connections interlinked in an European offshore grid – a “busbar-like system”. By abiding to national and international planning processes, TSO’s are supposed to be able to autonomously plan and build these as soon as need arises.

A bottom up approach




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